
  • Parenting Assessments: We undertake parenting assessments whether in cases where parents have children open to Local Authorities under Child Protection plans or Child in Need plans or where there are ongoing private or public law proceedings.


  • Parenting Assessment Manual Software (PAMS) Assessments: This is a specialist parenting assessment completed by social workers specifically trained to use the software. We are renowned for early turn outs of PAMS assessments and can provide reports within 4 to 6 weeks of starting the assessment. Our team of highly skilled social workers can attend court hearings where required to present their PAMS reports.


  • Siblings Together and Apart Assessments: During care proceedings, siblings may need to be placed in different placements. Whether children are placed together or separately may have an impact on their emotional well-being and development. Our team of social workers is very experienced in carrying out siblings together and apart assessments to help Local Authorities make placement decisions for siblings.


  • Viability and Reg 24 Assessments: We complete viability and Regulation 24 assessments to help Local Authorities decide whether it is safe to place children with their extended family members and friends.


  • Pre-birth Assessments: We undertake pre-birth assessments. The purpose of a pre-birth assessment is to identify any potential risks to the new-born child, assess whether the parent(s) can change so that the identified risks can be managed proactively.


  • Social Work Assessments Internationally: AHK Care for Children social workers can offer any relevant social work assessments internationally, including in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America.


  • Section 7 and Section 37 Reports: We undertake both Section 7 and Section 37 reports in private law cases and can guarantee independent, impartial professional reports which can be instrumental in helping the family court to make decisions especially in cases where the parties are not in agreement.


  • Psychological, Cognitive and Paediatric Assessments: AHK Care for Children is connected to a team of expert professionals renowned for the best psychological, cognitive, and paediatric assessments in the country. We can provide expert assessments within reasonable timescales and can attend court hearings if required.


  • Merton Compliant Age assessments: Inevitably, there are times where the ages of children are disputed and at times Local Authorities end up paying a lot of scarce public funds for placements where it is eventually determined that the young person is over 18 and does not meet threshold for children services involvement. Our team of trained social workers are able to assist the Home Office and Local Authorities in this regard by carrying out Merton compliant age assessments of children, including Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking children where age is disputed.


  • Immigration Assessments – We offer assessments of families known to Home Office due to immigration related concerns and on the verge of deportation or relocation. These assessments help the Home Office to make an informed decision about families likely to experience deportation from the UK

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and the work we do.

We are a dedicated team of highly experienced social work practitioners, change management directors and multidisciplinary professionals.

AHK Care For Children