AHK Care Ltd Compliments & Complaints Policy & Procedure

AHK Care Ltd are committed to responding to all complaints courteously and promptly. It is our responsibility to constantly improve the quality of our service and we welcome any feedback or views from people who would have received our service.

Who can complain?

The person who makes a complaint must be either be the person receiving services or a person complaining on behalf of the person receiving services from AHK Care ltd. This can include children and young people, their parents, carers or someone who has the permission of the person receiving services to represent them.

How to make a complaint?

Things can go wrong and if this happens, we have a complaints procedure you can use to have us investigate your complaint and correct matters as soon as we can. It is important to make your complaint as soon as possible because we may not be able to consider your complaint if it is about something that happened over 12 months ago

Ways to make your complaint

Post – Write to the Complaints and Enquiries Team 86-90, Paul Street, London, England, United Kingdom, EC2A 4NE

Email – your complaint to complaintsmailbox@ahkcare.org

Telephone – to discuss your complaint with an officer from our Complaints and Enquiries Team on 03337721448

All complaints will be passed to the AHK Ltd Complaints Officer who will acknowledge the complaint within 48 hours. A full investigation will be completed and a reply in writing, to the complainant will be provided within 28 days.

Any serious complaints will be dealt with in collaboration with the relevant Local Authority, agency or organisation. We shall provide the complainant with copies of our correspondence with the relevant Local Authority, agency or organisation.

After you have made a complaint

If a complainant is not happy with the final response from AHK Care Ltd, they will be invited to make separate and further representations to their Local Authority, the Ombudsman, their Member of Parliament or any other organisation they consider will best address their complaint. AHK Care Ltd endeavours to deal with all complaints effectively and promises to resolve matters fairly.